Saturday, 28 November 2009


Pardon me ARA(how's that for a shortie?)friends for finding the same entry everytime you drop by. Its the "gray matter(like I ever had one) short circuit". Its noted though that since a month from now would be the yearly New Years resolution, more bloggable thoughts, I will try to include.

For now, here are some of our space fillers but let me first thank you for clicking this site every now and then... hope you keep on doing so.


One more day and off we go!

As I told Mommy Kengs, the new organizer and probably the owner (aminin hehehe) of a new OFW magazine, that my brain flew ahead in the Philippines. I can't work on the first assignment she was giving. She asked me to write for her and take note, its "one-oh-oh" per "WORDS"(figure it out...laugh-laugh). I told her I'll catch up on next year's articles, if the offer is still available...

Another sign that my brain is not really functioning, our luggage is only 25% done. Power of the universe help me... I'm seeing "intense" packing later today hahaha. Yeah, I'm losing it... that's called excitement, if I may...



Poor Lukie, the teacher will email us his homework. Our son has to work on it daily or weekly. The teacher asked Lukie first if we have a computer in the Philippines. And, my son decided on his own that we have.


Updating our previous post here's the video of one inspirational man.


We're very much satisfied with Forex Cargo Inc's remarkable service. They worked wonders for our box to be delivered on the dot. Divine Geraldo, the company's Costumer Care Representative, was very kind to answer my email and I know, he personally made sure that we will be going up to Baguio City with the parcel. Again, thank you very much to Forex and more power!

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


Allow me to rant and be out of my self, just this time. I'm fully aware that it should not be written here and its wrong for me to 'yakatak'. Heck, there is no need to explain but I'm doing it anyway. Say, I'm drugged. Indeed I am! I just had my second dose of Ibuprofen today(lol).

I've got nothing against those who post their pictures or videos on their facebook account - how they went to help the victims of typhoon Pepeng. How they distribute donations or relief goods to evacuees. In fact, I do encourage it for "transparency" reasons specially if these donations were in-trusted to them.

Like our former forum mate Byd Bawayan who had been updating us for the small help we shared. We saw through facebook how he and his co volunteers work hard to sort and bring goods to evacuation sites. He asked me twice for the 2 times we sent him, "Manang, anya ngay ti isurat ko nga nagan?(what name will I write). For transparency reason gamin". I emailed him back and said, "Anonymous lattan ading".

Thanks to Marco, the 24 year old son of my late employer, he gave me 150 euros minus the 8 euro surcharge. He was suppose to spare 300 but said he paid a bunch of bills. He told me to give his money to those who need it in the Philippines. This was after watching the video I sent him showing the victims of the said typhoon.

I collected from my three sisters, Ica, Jhe and Matsay here to add the small euros from my part time job and Marco's money, so we could send some to Byd and some would be for the evacuees and those who lost their houses in our own hometown Tublay.

I phoned up my Dad and told him to use the amount we will send to buy blankets or food for our affected town-mates. But Dad advised us that they better distribute it in cash as our place is lucky because relief goods are coming in abundance.

After My family back home gave a thousand pesos each to those who lost their houses, 500 and 300 to some who still have their house but had to evacuate for safety purposes, I emailed Marco how the money was given. I included that we gave 8,000 pesos to Byd and his organization. I added that the receivers were probably more than happy to get the small amount rather than rice and sardines or noodles which by the way made Marco laugh.

Here is what is wrong with this post. I should have not written we donated this and that because if you give, its a "real or true help" if you be silent with it. I'm always a believer to this not until one of my city cousin who keeps on phoning up my Dad asking him about the compensation of his piece of land that some portion was washed out by the typhoon.

My city cousin said that the government will pay or had paid for it and with a threatening tone said he will inform. Dad told him to go to the Barangay Office and ask about any compensation and you know what he said? "Where is the the Barangay Office?", when its near our church and the school that bare his and our grandfather's name. Hayyy!!!! Apo aya ti city kids!

Again, I don't need to explain(but again, I'm doing it anyway) that the small amount my Dad and my sisters had been distributing was from Italy and not from "ghostly" stolen compensation for damaged private land. GEEEZZ WIZZ!!! Do I need to upload pictures at facebook the faces of Ica, Jhe, Matsy and Marco? Sisters, give me your photos but wait, you should be handing me those 'soldi'(money) first lols....


Friday, 6 November 2009


CIAO everyone! Yeah, I'm still here and I know, I've got so many catching up to do(hehehe kasla met kano adda mailiw ti isursurat ko a). Let me just post here randomly while my pain reliever is still in effect. Yes, influenza again after having it two weeks ago...

As for "starters", here are my boys during the "retrieving" of sweets from our neighbors (lols). Dylan was our 'picolo diavolo' (little devil) and Lukie was our "not so scary" 'fantasma'(ghost).

Saturday, 24 October 2009

YES TO CHANGE (The 'Kariton' Version)

As always, while the blogsphere had moved on and are done writing about the latest buzz, I'm still picking up on the topic 3 weeks ago. Maybe you've already voted or watched the inspiring story of
Efren PeƱaflorida » . The founder of the Dynamic Team Company, a group of youngsters using a pushcart stuffed with books, a built in blackboard and other educational materials to teach street children or the underprevilaged who can't go to school.

Click the link below and lets give him the recognition he deserves. He said he is not after the merits but for the hope that other people will do it too.

CNN Heroes - Ordinary People Extraordinary Impact - Special ...

"Voting continues until Thursday, November 19, 2009 (6 a.m. ET). There is no limit on the number of times you may vote for the Hero of the Year", according to CNN.


Saturday, 17 October 2009


It hurts and we feel helpless as we watch all the videos and pictures of the devastating and tragic aftermath of the recent typhoon that struck the Cordilleras, our home in the Philippines. Aside from this flu, maybe thinking of my hometown, is one of the things that is not making me sleep.

I wanted to write a long entry for this but my eyes are burning and I can feel the fever taking effect. For now, I'll leave you with the videos taken by the Cafe By The Ruins, a cafe and restaurant in Baguio who had been updating us at Facebook. Our forever gratitude to their heroic help to our place in Tublay Benguet. They even reached as far as Labey, the boundry between Bokod and Tublay, by foot.



The very last time I had a high fever was when Boogs and I are starting as married couples. That was 12 years ago to be exact. We went home to Tublay and Jenelyn, our boss, had to open her shop for the days that we were not able to tend it.

Aside from the body pain, head ache and all, the realization that its no longer my Dad taking care of me when I am sick, made me cry more that time. I'm an adult, already married and the responsibility of taking care of the "unwell me" is now given to my husband Boogie. Don't get me wrong, I was in tears because of the big change and not because I prefer my Dad from Boogs hehehe...

For three days now, I've been sick with flu and if I don't take my Advil, all my bones will scream in pain. This is the worst so far when child birthing is not included. I can't even sleep because my nose feels strangely dry when I breath and my throat hurts like I have tonsillitis when my tonsils are not really that swollen. Its like I'm always thirsty and my ears seemed to be stuffed with something. Arghhh, when I cough, I'd trade anything for a sleeping pill or pills to knock me down.

First it was Dylan 6 days ago. Then Lukie and I had it the same day. It was Boogs who took all the worries of taking care of us. Yesterday, he was suppose to sleep in the afternoon because he is working night shift. I was on bed with Dylan and my poor husband didn't have his long power nap as he keeps checking on Lukie who was sleeping in his room after taking his paracetamol.

We didn't only have a "Papa nurse" "doctoring" us, we also had a cleaning Papa dude. He cleaned the house, bathroom included hahaha... cup boards and dusted the divider that was long "abandoned"(lols). Dishes were readily washed too. The sweetest part was him shoving a cup of water to each of us specially to Dylan who drinks it in "burden", if he will not stick his whole hand into the cup and play with the water.

We hope Boogs will not catch it too but signs are showing that he will. The virus is just waiting for us to be a bit well for the next patient.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


Such gifted hands...




Saturday, 26 September 2009


Click the previous post for this update:

1. Baby "D", The Explorer





Our little Dylan had his very first day at school last Monday, 14th of September 2009. At two (2) years and nine (9) months old, he and his cousin Noemi are among the youngest to join the class of Materna(a three years preparation for elementary). Still not aware of what 'scoula' is, he was just so happy to be there. With so many kids and toys, we know he thinks its another play for him.

Slept early the night before, a fresh and enthusiastic boy he was the next day, even though he woke up 3 hours earlier than his usual time. Dylan was already in bliss when we first took Lukie to his first day in second grade. Another pretreat for our second baby - the sight of noisy and happy kids with his big brother.

While we were waiting for the gate to open, almost all his classmates were holding on to their moms. Scared of the newness of this adventure and unfamiliarity of the place. But not Dylan, he was there walking around and posing for his Papa's camera. Its not because he was a brave boy but we think he can't understand yet that 'scoooll'(as Dylan says it) will be long hours away from Mama and Papa.

We entered the building and the teacher put on his red name tag. He was a bit puzzled but when I showed him the letters of his name, he didn't mind the red fish tied around his neck anymore. Boogie and I, along with other parents stayed with our babies on their first day. An hour and a half to just play and explore the new place.

When Dylan got to the clays, he tried to eat it. A teacher gave him a handful of blue colored clay and he was about to bite it like a bread before I stopped him. Its good he knew how to use the paint and paint brush. My mistake, I forgot to let him play with clays. Unlike Lukie who had it when he was a year and a half.

There was this sort of Abacus with it's rod complicatedly twirled that you'll have to delicately follow before you can move the beads. It was Dylan's favorite toy, the very first thing he looks for every morning. The teacher said in Italian, "Look how precise and moves the beads perfectly considering his age", when she was observing our son for the first time.

When it was time to go, I took Dylan to his locker and again showed him his name. I told him we have to leave his red fish name tag there and his flag so that he could use it tomorrow. The next day, he first went to the locker and got his red fish and flag, what a clever boy! I think, if I were 2 and 9 months old, I will be confused with the many lockers looking all the same.

It was raining when we went home. Great! No umbrella. Then Papa, Mama and Dylan on the push chair run like mad. Dylan was still smiling while the rain is keeping his eyes close..... "It was sure a fun day!", Dylan would say out loud IF he only could already talk clearly.


1. The whole week went well. Almost all of Dylan's classmate cried and would NOT like to stay.....

2. My sister said that Irven, her husband, saw Dylan going out of their room while the class is going on and a teacher was following him to get him back inside hahaha....

3. I was scared of Dylan wetting his pants. We just started to toilet train him 2 months ago. So far, its been 2 weeks now and he goes home with the same pants.

4. Friday night on his first week, he had a flu, had a fever on Sunday causing him to have a poor appetite until now. He stayed home till Wednesday and back to school Thursday. When I went to get him, he was crying and was relieved to see me. He has a small cut on his lips that had put him in a bad mood till we went home for lunch.

5. In the 3 classes of 'scoula materna'(red, blue and yellow), small kids are mixed up with the big ones. Ages 3 t0 6 with 2 teacher in every room. 26 or 27 children in each class.

6. Dylan's teacher was still in class with the bigger kids who will be dismissed 2 hours later so I wasn't able to ask what happened to Dylan's lips.

7. Friday morning, I was waking up Dylan and telling him he has to go to school. On the bed, still sleepy and eyes squinting, he said, "Ooooch"(meaning - OUCH) while pointing at his chin.

8. We decided that this year, Dylan will just stay at school for 3 hours and a half only. He will not take the school bus and the school lunch too. He still can't follow rules, understand danger and eat well on his own. Till then, we hope to enjoy more Dylan's remaining 'babyhood'. Something that will surely pass swiftly. Just like Lukie who is becoming a "bigger boy" everyday. Oh, you'll just miss their small hands and feet before you'll know it!

CLICK HERE: Mama's Famous Gate and Did I Get It Right This Time? for Lukie's 'scoooll'.

Friday, 11 September 2009


What Lukie just said now or last week, last month or maybe a couple of years ago... I hope to remember them all and will not forget to write even the least profound thought he had and would blurt. We just can't get enough of him now that he is starting to think big or "bigger", like his shoe size, doubling almost every season.

So, Lukie said...

"Mama, why don't you and Papa dance the Tango? Its romantic and the dance of romance(read as rrrrro'mance)!" ..... Not to make you wonder where he picked those lines, his Garfield show taught him that.

"NO! YOU, SHOULD LOOK AFTER HIM!" .... referring to his little brother when the chair (put on the table so Dylan will not climb up) fell on Dylan's head. I went to throw the garbage and I asked Lukie to look after his brother for a bit. I came back and they were both crying while my eldest was massaging Dylan's big bump. Adding salt to the wound of my being irresponsible, I said, "Lukie, I told you to look after him" and I got my answer in big letters.

"The water is cold, e finito il state (summer is finish)"...... Simple and true. This is when my husband called our son to go and have their last swim on the last day of our village pool. Lukie loves the water but he knows when its cold - its cold and its over when its over.

"PAPA, MAY YOU STOP PLEASE!"..... its becoming a pain now hearing my son say this but its more irritating when the Papa doesn't seem to understand what the little boy is asking or sometimes "pleading" for hahaha.

"Mama, you're sexy."..... (I have to LOL here again) .... when I dress up and walk around with my high hills. Makes me laugh for his building definition of sexy - a typical Igorota unblessed with "elevation" hahaha. Oh noo, Lukie, Mama wouldn't mind taller grand-babies, ok?...

"... because its cheaper, its only 70 cents."... He said when we went to buy his school supplies for second grade. I asked why he chose those notebooks over the ones I did with his favorite characters on the cover - its of his animated cartoon show, Dragon Ball Z. Then I can't help but cry, in the middle of the mall, hugging my son, all because - he was right and I was very wrong.

Saturday, 29 August 2009


I just wrote an entry remembering my first year in high school. I was already editing it and I clicked the "back" arrow. BAD, I didn't save it first. Gone for nothing - my 3 hours lost sleep.

Since cakes make me feel better, even just with the sight of it hehehe, I'll post a guaranteed 'bouno'(yummy) recipe from my friend Nelly. I tried last Wednesday and it didn't come close to Nel's cake. Join me as we try and perfect this treat. Let me know of your success... flops too, but I'm hoping not.


2 1/4 cup flour

1 tbs baking powder

3/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup ube powder

1/4 cup oil

1/2 cup water

7 egg yolks

Mix all to make a batter.

Then in a bowl, 8 egg white beat until soft peek form.

Add 1/2 cup sugar slowly.

Fold in batter n egg white together.

Bake at 180°C

For the frosting:

3 tbs ube powder

1/2 cup sugar

3 tbspn cornstarch

1 eggyolk

3/4 cup milk

cook in low flame until spreadable...

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Do you have it too? I mean, when you hear a certain song and you're reminded of an event, a place, something or someone? This song always takes me back 15 years ago when we were taking my cousin, Manang Susan, to the airport. She was to go back here in Italy from a short vacation in the Philippines.

I was at the back seat of the car as we pass by and seeing the stupendous sun set of Manila Bay. "What A Wonderful World" was being played on the car's radio. Every word from Louis Armstrong's song was drawing out tears I was trying to hide from everyone. Specially from my cousin who'll soon be boarding the plane. Its heavy enough to say goodbye and I don't want to make it worst for her.

What really made me cry that time were the street children begging from cars stopping by. Not that I pity them or the danger they were willing to risk. It was their courage and will to pursue that danger in order to survive made me think, they too believe that this is a "WONDERFUL WORLD" after all. Who are we, whom all blessed with homes, parents providing for us and had all the opportunities of being a child, to disagree?

Saturday, 22 August 2009


"Off to the beach in an hour. Third time to watch the longest fireworks in the whole world. A 13 kilometer of synchronized blustering sounds and enchanting shower of sparks display." This is what I posted on my Facebook shout out last night before we left home.

Dylan and Lukie were playing with the sand before the fireworks started. I told them to come seat next to me or they'll miss the first launch. Oh, lately, my kids seem to listen the fifth time I tell them something. They might have gotten it from someone else hehehe... Then they tell me I'm 'makulit' if they'll finally do what I say... Then again, if I say something once and they missed it, they blame me cause I should have told them a dozen times...

Booom! The firecracker started to "roar". Dylan docked on the sand for his precious life. And startled Lukie, didn't know if he'll run to me or on the sunbed he was suppose to sit!
I told them its soon going to start, didn't I?

Maybe next year or when Dylan will not cling to me anymore, I can get better shots. My little one enjoyed it while I was covering his ears. He was mumbling words I can't figure but I know what he was saying was simply, "WOW"!

People applauded 5 times thinking it was the finale. It was better this year. Funny how me and Lukie would say, "that's new", every after an awesome blast, which we're sure, it wasn't used the previous years. Click our old post for this event:
Beach On Fire and BEACH ON FIRE 2008.

Saturday, 15 August 2009


Last week, we took the kids to Jesolo Aqualandia . Its only a less than 30 minutes ride from our home. Had we known the place is so much fun, we should have taken Lukie and Dylan since we lived here. Last year we took them to Gardaland and we had to ride the boat, the train and the resort's bus just to get to this amusement park. That's almost half a day of travel.

Lesson learned: "We seek in different or far places when we already have them next to us". Oh, it doesn't only apply to theme parks or water parks, its also true to people whom we should give what is due! hehehe... a thank you perhaps, I love yous or apology maybe and yeah, happiness too. Look around before you plan that long journey hahaha...


I'm not sure if it was in Oprah's Show, where I first came to know, about this idea of finding "the five people" who made a difference in your life and tell them, "thank you". With the exemption of immediate family of course, they will always be the first on the list. You can do it through letters or by simply uttering these two words. Then like a chain, request these five persons to do the same.

He or she could be your teacher, an author, a dear friend, an enemy etc... Some might even be a total stranger, a passers by, yet they had taught you a life lesson you will forever cherish.

I really love the idea. Not only that you'll make someone happy, but also the positive aura of contributing something good in this world.

Lucky are those who were able to find their heroes. Their exemplars who could still hear their words, who could still feel the joy and see what they have become. Some are not lucky enough and their "thank yous" were left hanging on air longing to be heard. I will forever feel sorry for my self if I will not grab the chance to say mine.

My husband wrote a piece for her ailing teacher, Mrs. Clarita Sumahit, in this article: My Morrie. Me and my sons thank her too for the great help he once gave to the most significant person in our life who said in his "The Weaver Fish" this phrase, "....that life brings us all sorts of pain. And that we learn from our sufferings, we grow from our agony, we endure the wretchedness even though it would mean that we might loose the ones we love".

In my own little way, I'd like to start saying how grateful I am to these "5 people": Sir Ren, Manang Marlene, My best friend Brenda, Emilio and Auntie Gloria. A letter for each one of you, I hope to compose.

Saturday, 8 August 2009


We were walking home from Dan-Dan's 16th birthday party when Lukie told me, "this is a beautiful day but there is something wrong". I knew it! I should have insisted of taking them home earlier. Dan-Dan, by the way was once Lukie's baby sitter, I have an old entry here: MORE BLESSED YEARS TO THEM ALL! about him.

During the party, a group of guest were invited and they said they didn't know its a birthday bash. Their leader said, they thought they were asked to come for a Bible study. Regardless, he announced that after the food, spiritual nourishment will come next and they will be showing a clip that on 2012, it would be the "end of the world".

When the Bible study was about to begin, Dylan started to be unruly. Like a "mad baby", he went to click every key on the laptop they're going to use. He was even standing and jumping in front of their projector wanting to see his shadow on the white cloth or the screen. My cue to take my kids home. Besides, the assembly might take long and it would be very late for my boys.

I told our host we have to go but when I asked Lukie to get his shoes and we will be leaving, he said he wanted to stay more. I know how much my son misses Dan-Dan so I gave in. I told him I'll take Dylan to the 'piazza'(plaza) where there's a country public concert going on and we'll be back for him in an hour.

Outside with my youngest, I remembered about the clip the pastor said earlier. It was already late for me to get Lukie.

True, we went back and they're still lecturing but Lukie is in Dan-Dan's room playing PSP. He came immediately when I said we're going home.

I asked my son why there is something wrong and he said, "On 2012, there would be earthquakes, tornadoes, heavy rains and fire. The world will end".

Honestly, this angered me and we walked slow on our way home trying to explain it to my son, as simply as I can, that all they said weren't true. I told him that no one can ever tell us, as to when exactly these catastrophes are going to happen. I was even quite emotional when I repeatedly told him that our God or 'Gessu'(how he was taught in Italian to say Jesus) is not that 'cativo' (bad) to "kill" us that "ugly". 'Gessu' will not make us 'vivere con sempre paura'(live in fear) and would tell the pastor that we will all die with earthquake, tornadoes etc... Our 'Gessu' loves Lukie so much, 'come papa e mama'(like mama and papa), who will not make Lukie afraid because we know that these earthquakes and tornadoes will give Lukie nightmares.

Lorenzo, our Italian neighbor, was waiting outside for her Filipina wife Rowena who was still in Dan-dan's house. I thank him for helping me ease Lukie's fear and brought back the smile and the privilege of a young mind's innocence . Lorenzo said in Italian, "When I was also a little boy like you, someone told us that these will happen, that it will soon be the end of the world. But look, I'm an old man now and I am still here. You saw my little baby(1 month old, Elizabetta), ' Gessu' will still make her grow so you and Dylan could play with her."

I'm writing this at 5:55 AM and I was up since 1 AM. Usually when Lukie is afraid of something, he sleepwalks or would have some nightmares. I hope 'Gessu' intervened and I know HE did, because my son is sleeping soundly till now. HE helped Lukie understood that 'Gessu' is a loving and caring God.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


My son Lukie requested me to put this on my blog. He watched it from our digital channel "QOOB". He told me to search for "teeth". I just watched it now and posted it immediately...


A miracle happened for us today!

Only me and my husband, plus of course the proprietor of our home, knew that finally our windows will be changed before the winter comes. First, let me tell you why this is close to a "phenomenon".

I don't exactly know what year our village was built but it was owned by a rich family with two children, a boy and a girl. Its a summer resort back then with a pool, tennis court, a football field, basketball court and 4 concrete ping pong tables. By the way, all these sports facilities and a children's park still exist and are well maintained by an agency. It has 32 apartments and a bungalow duplex which one of it is our unit.

When the parents died, the siblings, who already have a family of their own, divided the property. The brother sold all his share because they were always arguing about the profits of the resort. The sister wanted to buy all of it but to annoy her, he disposed the apartments to other people. So now, the sister owns only half of the rented houses in this village.

Bad blood was never resolved even after the brother died. A rot that made their children and grandchildren swore they're not related at all .

Our proprietor, the sister, is almost in her senile stage now, so everything is being managed by her eldest daughter Cristina. Sorry to say that we see all the reasons why the older brother reproached her sister. Our leaser is selfish and 'furba'(cheat/trickster). They don't care about their tenants, all they care is the money they accumulate.

Many renters had come and go because the rent is too expensive made worst by the gas bill that reaches to a thousand euros for less than 3 months. The owners don't care because there's always a taker entranced by the luxury and beauty of the place.

The ideal consumption of gas should be half the amount we're paying if the landlord will change the windows that are made of candy glasses. Because again, its suppose to be livable only for summer. The heater automatically switches off when it reaches it's ideal temperature and re-ignites when it gets cold. Not for us, 'e sempre acesso'(its always on). Same complain every year among the tenants that Cristina shrugs off when she comes for vacation here in their big ancestral home next to our village.

Last week, Cristina knocked for the "usual" reason, the yearly increase of rent. And as "usual", she talks fast and won't give you a chance to utter a word then would hurriedly leave.

This time, I asked her to please get inside and could we please talk. Excusing herself with the usual that the dog is pulling her(which why in the world she needs to bring her dog all the time when she can leave it at home). I went out and followed her and told her these in Italian:

"Signora, we're not bad people. We work hard to pay the rent on time. In our almost 6 years of stay here you never had a problem with us. I say this yearly and I'll try to say it again, maybe you will give it a chance. Our gas bill reached a thousand euros again and that's only for three months."

She cut me off with: "Italy is really expensive with everything shooting up" but I said, "No, signora. You know there's something wrong in this house, its the windows!" and I told her that people from the 'commune'(municipal office) came to check our home(a requirement for non Italians when applying for a job) and agreed about the 'finestra'(window).

I pushed my luck and sincerely said, "You are a mother too, you don't want your children to get cold. Same reason why we leave our heater on even though that would mean nothing will be left from our salary. 'Per piacere' (please) just a little bit of consideration, besides, this is your house, what ever you make out of it, its still yours".

I guess I hit her spot, it slowed her and she went around to count the windows and told me she'll be going back to Bologna(their residence) and will talk with her mother about this. Then assured me she'll be back in days to tell me how it went.

Today, Cristina came with the 'operai'(workman) and took the measurements of our windows. She showed him around and told him all I've stated here as to why its costing us a lot. She left the man and told him to come to their house after the job.

Exhilarated with the good news, I told the 'operai', "this is a miracle!". He said, he can imagine our dilemma. Then I asked him if they will do all the 17 apartments including the homes of our 4 Filipino neighbors. He shook his head and spoke, "tsk, tsk... mi dispiace per loro, solo tua (I'm sorry for them, its just yours)". It made me feel bad and don't know if this calls for a celebration or not.

Nevertheless, It pays to speak with utmost sincerity, lay down your cards and tell the truth. Damn if they listen, damn if they don't... that's what I have learned and thankful for these episode.

Saturday, 1 August 2009


During summer, the boats and buses are most of the time full because of the many tourists flocking Venice. Last Thursday, I went to get the last kitchen stuff of Diego(my late employer) that I want to take home. Lukie came with me and we rode the bus.

As we went up the 'pulman'(bus), a man helped me with the 'karello'(a bag with wheels) while I held Dylan on his pushchair. We will meet Boogie at the 'fermata' (where the boats to and from Venice dock). He will be coming from work and he'll take Dylan back home.

The bus was packed so we stood and Lukie was infront of me holding a bar for support. Then my son was madly fanning his nose with the little bus ticket he was holding. With his other hand, he was covering his nose after pointing under his armpit, gesturing that there's an awful smell. He even blurted twice, loudly as he can, the words - "body odor".

Guess who was holding the same bar next to my son, with his armpit wide open above my son's head? It was the man who was kind to hold our 'karello'. If you could only see the look on this man's face, embarrassment was all written on it. Same face I gave the man while I was signalling Lukie to shush.

At the boat, I tried to explain to Lukie about the "body odor" incident. That it wasn't proper to do what he did. I don't know if my son took me seriously because I can't contain my laughter - it could even be heard by the 'capitano'(captain of the ship).

P.S. SpongeBob SquarePants taught Lukie what BO is. From the episode, "The Karate Island".

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


My husband joined a group at "friendsters" along with his old high school batch mates. It made him write treasured memories of his younger days. Of course I got inspired to remember mine, so here's the first part of "my rekindling" the past (lols).

My late Lola Meding took me to SLU girl's High and we went in to this office where she had a chat with this nun she knew. I heard her telling my grandmother that for sure they'll enlist me but I have to take the entrance exam for formality's sake.

San Jose High School was my second option and they conducted their entrance exam earlier than Girl's High. A week after I went with my Lola, my Stepmother gave me company to SJHS and we did not know, that very day was the schedule for their qualifying test.

Lining up nervously and unprepared, I joined the hundreds of examinees. Trying to calm down my worries of not making the exam, my thoughts were echoing, "If I will not pass this, I was really meant for Girl's High...".

Then there's this boy who is assisting our group(about 50 students per room). I was thinking, "He is young to be a teacher. Is he really one?". Point blank, he was cute! And before I opened my test book, I made up my mind where to go for my secondary schooling.

My dad and Lola were quite disappointed when I told them I'm not taking the exam at SLU. If they had known it was because of this boy whom I have later known as a Senior student by the name of Lolito Igualdo Jr, they'd probably faint(falling on the floor at the same time). And yeah, "double faint" because I didn't know, Lolito's father is my Dad's first cousin from my Lola Meding's side... to be continued....

Wednesday, 22 July 2009


The theme of the 12th International Festival of Sand Sculptures is "The Inferno", the first part of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. This year the 18 participating artists recruited by Richard Varano will compete by reproducing the scenes, mythological figures, and the most famous characters from this immortal tale, enriched with spectacular sets. With sand, the figures of Charon, Paolo and Francesca, the terrible Cerberus, Count Ugolino and so many others will take form.

The visitor will make the Dantean journey through the circles of Hell until exiting... continue reading here: Dante's Inferno at the 2009 International Festival of - Jesolo Events

Photo credits to Musashiboogie. (Click image to enlarge)

Saturday, 18 July 2009


If this blog has a mind of it's own, it had already confronted me - big time! How could I have missed it's second year of "absorbing" my everything - from my joys to pains, my doltishness to make believes. A good listener too, regardless of how nauseous and repetitious all the malady of discontent I threw in.

Just like any other person whom we always take for granted. People we give less care, as to how they feel, because we're always confident they'll always be there(sounds like a song hehehe). Sometimes we forget they'd be the first person or the only one at that, who'll hold our hand when those dying breath are.... HEY, CUT "ME" OFF, WILL 'YA! All I was suppose to write is I missed this blog's SECOND YEAR ANNIVERSARY(Geeezzwizzz) .

I happened to be reading my old posts and came across this page:
FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY dated June 16 of 2008. It doesn't call for a celebration, I may say, but it should have. It had helped me, in a way, to stay sane even though laughing at yourself is not sane at all hahaha...

I'm sorry my BLOG. Belated 2nd year of "attempting to recount"...

Thursday, 16 July 2009


Yes to change!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


This is my sister's first piece in her newly created site, Julenica’s Blog.

Wow!!This is it! I am actually posting a blog. I have always wanted to publish one but I was afraid some might laugh at my grammar and other things that an insecure person would think. But after calling my dad this morning, I’m inspired to write. This is my first entry so, this “should” be good.Haha!

Actually, I have already posted it this morning. But, because of my ignorance in blogging, I have saved it somewhere and I spent so many hours searching where it is. So, I have to write another one..huh!!!

You can’t imagine what I've been through just by writing it. And now, I have to start it all over again. Going back with my dad, well you see, I was not really comfortable with my dad when I was a kid because I grew up with my grandma not until she died.

I can feel that my dad was really trying to reach out to me but I was so aloof. I only became really close to him when I was in college. He’s a great dad, i can’t say otherwise. He is selfless when it comes to his family. Today is his birthday.

Lets see, I have given him a shirt last year, another shirt to his last-last birthday hmmm…I guess I had always given him a shirt.. Why didn’t I notice that?

And now, I was not able to send one. But even if I hadn’t, I know that my dad is happy and contented with my gift this time. It is the best gift a child could ever give. I just said, “happy birthday dad a, take care of yourself” and repeated it many times because I can’t think of other things to say. And before passing the phone to my sister, with my surprise i just said, “I Love You dad”. There was a long pause before he said it too.

I know that he was surprised with what I have just said because ever since, I have never said these words to him and that’s what hurts me most. Although he knows how I love him, I have never actually said it.

My tears kept on pouring after that call. I felt so bad because for all these years, why only now? But, at the same time thankful that at least, I have said it rather than haven’t said it at all. Now I know, I have given him my greatest gift.

Saturday, 11 July 2009


"I'm 65 now", my Daddy said after I greeted him on the phone a while back. Then uttered, "Lakayen ti taon (I'm already old...)". But "defensively" added, "Ngem (but), I'm still young and strong!".

I should have told him, "Nobody's doing interrogation here hahaha...".

Okay garud Dad, in my book, you're always "young and strong".

Here is the song I've heard from many people singing it to my father. His friends, siblings, constituents etc.. Its only now that I have read the lyrics by heart. So beautiful, I didn't know:

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling

From glen to glen, and down the mountain side

The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying

'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.

But come ye back when summer's in the meadow

Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow

'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow

Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying

And I am dead, as dead I well may be

You'll come and find the place where I am lying

And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me

And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be

If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me

I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.

I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.

Friday, 10 July 2009


Let me just talk randomly as I can't organize my thoughts lately. This is probably my hundredth attempt to start writing again. You know that thing in the movies when a character had a trauma and would soon struggle to conquer whatever fears he had from it? Like he was drowned, lived and tries to swim again. Well, I'm having them right now (I guess). Except that I don't know what I'm afraid of or was there any fear at all to start with hehehe...

After being robbed with euros in our attempt to salvage our old PC, we ended up with a laptop. But, that was after keeping my impassivity with the pleasures of technology. Then had later made me hate, just by thinking, that computer had become a necessity in our home. The four of us, including our two year old son, are becoming "net junkies".

Not that I'm enumerating my excuses for not logging in but I'm afraid, I'm feeling the "signs" of aging now. 3 weeks ago, I was looking at my hand from a distance of 10 inches, it was blurred or cloudy and I have to squint to keep my eyes open with out hurting them. Then I went to get a book and tried to read the words with the same distance and I can't really see the letters clearly. But if I put the book further or a foot away, I'm able to read the letters well.

I cried, as usual, and pictured how my Dad is trying to figure out the Headline on his newspaper while waiting for his reading glasses to be handed to him. Then I remembered my Lola Meding when she used to tell me not to read when the lights are dim. So is her back slapping as she tries to correct my posture.

Speaking of eyes, mine are, as of now, racing to bed leaving me to finally punch "post" for this piece.

Meanwhile, find time to watch this short movie below and hope to see you again tomorrow.

Ooops one more thing, let me say my apologies to those who keep on coming back to check on this site and find nothing. I hope I'll start updating regularly(pray for me hehehe...).

Saturday, 27 June 2009



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