Tuesday 7 October 2008


"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family; Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one!" A quote by Jane Howard (1935-1996).

To educate solecism and correct the ill stigma concerning how our fellow countrymen see us, THE IGOROTS, may be impossible. A mother who belongs to "this" tribe who happens to blog, only dreams she could help educate the implications of ignorance about her people. But, what if she tries?

Native Cordillerans who're from the Northern part of the Philippines with the following Provinces:
Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Baguio City, Bontoc , Kalinga and Ifugao, are the IGOROTS, who often referred to as the "people from the mountains". With which in it's context is literally true, but sometimes, it is abused and used as a derogatory remark by those who don't really know us.



Can you hear me? Over? Hello there!
Been all over local,national, and international cyberspace literally defending your Obama, hehe.....
Some of the comments I've posted on some BLOGS never appeared or were deleted, which was okay for me, it's their blogs and I respect that.

That was great, you were one of those selected for that article by PDI, congrats. Since last year, I never visited PDI, ever since my comments in their Blog Section appeared a few days, then one day their Editor decided to delete it. It was lame, and I despise them for that. The two people I commented about most likely complained and got their wish. That's Philippine journalism.

My article for the Baguio Midland Courier finally got printed on this week's edition. It looks like it was edited but getting it in print media was satisfying.

Iba na talaga ang me "connection". Me and Reyna Elena are "once in a while" commenters on Ellen Trodesillas and Cocoy's Delight blogs. Most talking heads in those blogs know their stuffs and you can go off-topic with little complain or nothing at all from the blog owner, and to me that's what make their domains great.

Cheers to you and goodhealth.


Ciao TruBlue,

'Si, sono qua'(yes.I'm here)! That means Obama will really-really win hehehe...

PDI had no choice for Italy kaya naka extra. Aside from Reyna Elena's "magic and charm" hehehe....

After this, I'll be heading to BMC for your article. Can't wait to post it here.

Funny cause I'm mostly out of this world about what's new and old in the blog-sphere. Only now that I've known about these great bloggers. You're right, "freedom of speech" (commenters and bloggers alike)with in a blog makes the domain great.

Cheers to you too and keep "Obamaying" hehehe...


PS TruBlue,

Was that about the Carpetbagger? I just got there. Oh my, shows I'm not really reading the BMC... Be commenting on it tonight. Got to do house duties first!


Benny C really irked me on his last comment two weeks ago. If you don't like a person, just bash him all you want without the race issue. Adding "Kenyan" to Obama as a "carpetbagger" was to me, condescending. It was inexcusable.

Did you know him? Most Carantes I knew were from Itogon and Loakan. If he fires back or others, it better be with merit.



weee, congrats, lovelyn. it is fun to share, right?


Ciao TruBlue,

Sorry for the late reply.

I don't really know him, except as a writer of BMC. Used to see him chatting with my dad at "flying school" when I was a kid.

I was trying to find that article but I'm not really familiar going around the archives of the paper. Do you have the link?

That was unethical considering his responsility as a writer from a widely read paper.

Ciao Raq,

Right! Congrats to you too, that picture of you with Mr Alemanya was sweet hehehe....


Archives for BMC is not working. Article was in the "week's mail".


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