Saturday, 28 March 2009


Just love the sound of those words. Besides, "no can think" of what title to use out of "no can think" of what to write. Whatever... Indulge anyway and let's see where we'll be heading.


March 21, spring started officially and we're still as cold as our winter. The heater is still on after paying more than a thousand euro gas bill. The bill that shocked my husband ( still shocks him when we paid the same amount last year). Thanks to my son's school, where 'pidocchi' (lice) was prevalent for the previous months but is now contained (thanks to a 13 euro shampoo that pharmacies disposed before it expires), the husband paid the gas bill in less "agony".


Work is good. my boss is so generous, so is her ex wife whom I had lunch with last Friday. My first time to taste 'torta salata'(salted cake). More of a pie topped with spinach and 4 kinds of cheese. Ricotta, mozzarella, cheddar and grana. Heaven. Italians must have all the reasons to be known for their cooking.

PICTURE CREDIT:Lo spicchio d'aglio - Ricette di cucina on-line -

The lunch was made more perfect with our laughter. We talked about my kids and her two grown up kids. Gosh, "feminist" was all over her and I liked her more when she talks about "multi-tasking". How she described her passed juggling of mothering, home making, "wifing" and now, the job that pays her new car, Clinique Skin Care and gym fee. A once a month meal with Marina, can't wait what's for April.


Back to my boss' generosity. He gave me two bottles of red wine last Friday. His supplies came last week. He said he has this friend in Barolo('La Querciola' Farm) who just started the business and produces excellent world class wines. Because of the on going economic crisis, long time wineries who already made names out of their wines had dropped their prices. To be able to compit or at least generate his capital or investment, my boss' friend from Barolo sells his products at a bargain too. And before he goes bankrupt, he sent his wines to all his friends, imposing them to pay of course.

I had seen the label of my share of bottles dating 2004. Hhmmnn, can't wait to to taste this five years old fermented grapes(lol), maybe tonight.


Been jogging intensely, if one hour 3 times a week is considered intense. Yoga too for almost everyday and less rice and pasta. Hmmfff, those minute(read as "may-nuyt" lolz) hard shed pounds easily comes back in one gobble of carbs and a pound of steak. Regardless, minute is better than nothing or gaining, me thinks.

One thing I noticed, staying fit and eating ideal food is quite expensive. Cereals for breakfast. Yogurt and cereal biscuits for snack. A slice of meat, 'insalta'(veggie salad), cereal crackers and pear or apple for lunch. Another snack of English tea, oven-ed peanuts and 2 biscuits of cereal. Dinner which is the same as lunch but meat was substituted with tuna.

To tell you the truth, I strictly follow the diet because its not easy to run the 20 minutes by the pavement which it takes me 40 minutes on my way back through the beach. More effort when you push your foot from the embedding effect of the sand. And my golly gee, grasping breath would make you cough and muscles would later sore when you sprint on the dry soft part of the shore.


After the work out, you'll feel you had won over your demons. Victory over the inner voice who encourages you that being fat is you being confident of the body you have. Wrong. Staying fit is taking care of the only body you have! That's where your confidence should invest. If you're after longevity of life, that is!


Eeisshh its raining! My Sunday jogging, the longest run is making me write now. I can't go out and try the new "dry and fit" work-out suit we bought yesterday.

Business tactic can fool you if you let them. You see, this sport store had all the line of jogging sports wear in one floor. Nike, Adidas and Champion are on the front line occupying almost three fourths of the place. A pair of jogging pants alone costs 45 to 95 euros. I went at the very end of the floor flipping all the price tag and I found this "PRO TOUCH Teamsport" product which looks very much the same (cloth and style) with the branded ones. It was made in Switzerland against made in China for the well known sports gear.

Huhh, felt like winning the "consolation" price in a raffle draw because I paid 19 euros for my "dry-fit" jogging pants and not 45 to 95. A white blouse came with that too which was on sale for only 14 euros.

Imagine that if I didn't riffle through all the tags and labels, I'll get out of the sports shop robbed with 100 euros.


Okay, I'll have to go. That's it for now. Kids are awake and I'll go make them breakfast. Time to join also the husband who is watching the first F1 race of this year, he actually woke the kids up. Till the next time of my babbles... more gabbles and freaky jabbers. Oh did I tell you its raining and I can't jog?



Was a F1 freak years ago but abandoned it when my idol crashed and his legs were amputated (forgot his name, but he was Italian). My fav was the Monaco race coz it was street racing. Love speed so much maybe I'll crash one day and my body parts will disintegrate into many pieces, hehe.....cheers!


Its Alex Zanardi. Year 2001 when he had the accident that cost him his legs.

So is Lukie, his favorite track is that of Monaco.

Hope not, I mean the disintegrating thing. Don't even like to hear it hehehe... Easy on that speed, leave it to 'em race drivers.


Alex Zanardi! That's him, fearless and all - hope he's doing okay.

I silently do a soliloquy to all long driving trips I do, to remind of death in the worst of ways - but it's out of the window sometimes when the rush of adrenalin sets in knowing there's almost 400 horses in the hood. But with TB3 and TP3 around as well as you and other friends in cyberspace, might as well live longer, hehe....

Cheers to the family!


Ciao TruBlue,

You MUST. Can't imagine blogging with out the Bluest among the True. You see, my flag widgets suggest that visits occurred but they seem not in to leaving me some 'radical' reactions hehehe....


Again, easy on that speed! Cheers!

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